Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Wow wow Wow wow!!

I leave in 8 days!! HOLY COW!!! I am definitely going into full packing mode right now, the floor of my room is completely covered in store bags filled with everything from skirts to Vaseline. Life is pretty crazy!
        Beside all the craziness, however, I want to talk about tender mercies today. Within these last few weeks I have seen so many tender mercies from the Lord in helping me prepare physically and spiritually for my mission.
         My family has always been pretty financially secure, but we recently just recovered from a rough patch. As I was submitting my papers, I had never really thought about how much money it would take to go on a mission. I mean, I knew the basic amount, but I had never thought of all the little things I would have to buy. Thankfully, I've held a job since 16 yrs old and had saved enough, but I was still worried about not having any fall back money to have when I came back to go to school. That was when I began to see all the miracles in my life. In case many of you don't know, quality winter boots and winter jackets can cost A LOT of money. It was to the point where I was estimating spending up to $350 just for those two items alone. This may not seem like a lot but also factor in that I had to buy new skirts, which can cost $20-$35 each, new shirts, luggage, proselyting shoes (which go for around $70-$80), personal hygiene items and other knick knacks, and you were looking at a large portion of money that took out of my budget for in-country use.
          Despite all these issues (which everybody has, I'm not the only one who struggles to fund a mission.) I put my trust in the Lord that everything would work out. And it did! A lovely sister on facebook had just returned from Estonia with a barely worn pair of boots and was selling them for half the price they would've sold for online.
          While shopping, my mom was able to found a very nice quality down jacket that reached my knees for only TEN DOLLARS (granted it needed some work with a tailor, but still TEN DOLLARS)!! On top of all these blessings, every time I would check my bank account, the amount would be more or less the same as before despite my constant spending.
           This doesn't happen to everyone, but I want to share my testimony that the Lord is mindful of what we NEED. He knows the situation of every single person on this earth and if we are faithful, he will bless us with what he knows is best for us. I'm so excited to serve the people of Finland and to learn how to be a true representative of the Lord! Who knows, maybe next time I write, I'll be in the MTC??


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